Empowering You Through Dance and Movement
Terms and Conditions
​By enrolling to our services and classes at Pole Oasis, members agree to the following terms and conditions:
Payments and Cancellations
Registration fee and class payment is due PRIOR to attending class.
CANCELLATIONS: There is a no refund policy for any cancellations at PO. However, if a member has a valid reason for cancellation of a course, class or workshop due to legitimate medical illness, injury or pregnancy, they may be credited an amount to use at the studio for future at PO management’s discretions.
Replacement Classes
If a member needs to reschedule a class, a minimum 12 hour notice PRIOR to class commencing is required. Failure to do so will be counted as “no show” and request for rescheduling will be denied. (Exceptions: in case of illness or injury with a medical certificate, or proof of a family emergency).
All replacement classes must be scheduled WITHIN the same (8 week) term , in exception for certain services such as 10 class pass and 10 Private session pack.
Classes can be replaced with other class categories of lower or same level subject to availability (e.g Sunbear replaced with PoleFIT).
Any unused class cannot be brought forward to the next term, and it will be deemed forfeited by the end of the term.
No Show or Late Comer Policy
Classes will start on time to ensure there are no delays for the subsequent classes. Kindly arrive 10-15 minutes earlier to allow sufficient time for registration, use of restroom, and change of work attire.
PO believes that warm ups are very important to prevent injuries. As such, if members are to be late to class commencing, members are to inform the instructor beforehand.
If latecomers have missed part of, or the entire warm up, PO recommends members to sit and observe class instead to prevent risk of injuries. Note taking is permitted . If members insist to participate, they are required to do their own warm up and PO is in no way responsible for injury caused during class.
Other Terms and Conditions
Pole Oasis (PO) takes all reasonable care in the conduct of their classes. By entering PO dance studio you agree that PO is in no way responsible for injury or loss caused during classes or whilst a member is at or near the studio.
Members must be 18 years old and above. Members below the age of 18 years require parental or guardian release by signing up and registering online on behalf of (<18 years old) member.
Members are responsible to ensure that they are physically and medically fit for classes before enrolling. If in doubt as to suitability of the services, it is the member’s duty to consult a physician for medical clearance.
If there are any new injuries or changes to a member's health condition, members MUST inform the instructor prior to class commencing.
PO strongly discourages members to bring along their children to avoid any unforeseen incident from occurring. However, if any member requires to bring their children to class, they are to ensure that their children do not interrupt the class and other fellow members. The member and their children may be asked to leave if failed to do so. (Please note: In order to comply with current SOP guidelines during Recovery Movement Control Order , PO strongly discourages members bring their children during this time.)
PO is a “NO NEGATIVE ZONE”. No bullying, body shaming or negative comments allowed in PO. PO has a zero tolerance for inappropriate treatment of others.
Other than PO's terms and conditions, members will also respect the rules and regulations of LEVEL UP FITNESS and Zen Oasis (ZO) at all times, including keeping the premises clean, noise level down and not disturbing their daily operation.
Smoking is STRICTLY prohibited within the premises of PO and Level Up Fitness.